Tuesday, 20 July 2010

On the Road

Mostly successful in the float training department this weekend.

On Saturday I bribed him into the float and snapped the chain up quickly before he could back out again. Sneaky, but necessary. I'd been advised to take a long drive even though the indoor arena is only 3 km away. So off we went on a tiki-tour of the outskirts of Hastings. Max was really good, no stamping or scrambling and just seemed to be watching the world go past.

We got to the arena, unloaded (fairly quickly but not in a panic) and then Max and I had our lunch. Once he had stretched his legs a bit, visited the girls and checked out the grass quality, back on the float. He was pretty good, just trying to back off again but with food in front of him, I was able to do up the chain without drama.

It was another tour of the neighbourhood and then home again. He wasn't keen to go anywhere near the float again so I decided against trying to reload him. That just seemed to be a battle that could turn ugly, and undo all the good work we had achieved. So maybe another day???

Finally at the arena!!!

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