As usual, when dealing with horses, life is up and down.
It seems so much better when the weather is fine and sunny. Maybe the sun makes me more positive, and then I do things differently? Certainly I don't feel very positive when its raining!
On Saturday it was overcast and I completely failed to get Max on the float. I had everything all packed up in the ute, ready to join the riding club at the Park for an outing. I was really excited about the prospect, did my best nonchalant face, and annointed the float with the aromatherapy oil. (WHAT? yeah, so its a bit alternative to use hippy-dippy, new age therapy, but if it works, then I am all for it)
Young Max walked out of the yard, got around the corner to see the float, and planted his obstinate little feet. I tried all the techniques that had worked in the past. But even if I got him on, he just was not going to stay still long enough for me to do up the chain. I ended up trying for nearly two hours, after which I decided I was bored, and thirsty. I settled for being able to tell him where to put his feet up and down the ramp, and gave up.
The next day was sunny and warm. My friend Cindy had offered her help, having just taught her new horse to load on the float. I rode Max for a little bit, trying to tell him that he was 8 now (in NZ the official horse birthday is August1st) and too old to be a nappy little pony. Not much luck with that, but I did give him a good telling off and a smack on the shoulder.
Cindy's method is the western approach where you ask nicely, putting on the pressure for them to go forward, and releasing when they do. If they don't, you push them to trot in a little circle around you - quite hard work. Then you ask the question again, and repeat as necessary. It didn't take too many circles for Max to figure out the easiest option was just to go into the float. And that there was food in there, so he quite liked being there. Great progress!
So now I have another weapon in the war (not sure that is a great metaphor, but you know). I am pretty keen to try again soon on my own and see how we get on.
Fatti maschii parole femine
1 month ago
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