Monday, 25 April 2011


So, another vintage over, and I can return to thinking about my horse.

He hasn't been neglected, I've just been too busy to spend as much time with him as I would like. He's had a lovely break at his second home, running up and down and along the hills. Before he was turned out, he had a very sore back and the physio agreed that some time off would do him the world of good. Now, I just need to get her back to check him over, and we can spend the winter working on our flatwork.
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  1. Nice to have you back in blogger world. Hope the grapes behaved for Max. Has he been told by the horsey gods its his turn now to be a good boy?

  2. Oh, I think Max is always trying to be good. It's just his gooberisms that lead to trouble!
